Say Goodbye to Stains: Teeth Whitening Solutions in West Hollywood

Teeth whitening West Hollywood is a quite commonly searched keyword on Google. People want to have nice and clean-looking teeth and teeth whitening procedures offer the best results. But do you know how teeth whitening works and what makes it the most sought-after cosmetic dentistry procedure? Let’s find out:

What Is Teeth Whitening? 

Stains and marks on the surface of the teeth are common. This is because of the food we eat, cigarette smoke, and use of tobacco. It dampens the radiance of a bridal smile and all others who feel uncomfortable and low on confidence. While most stains are temporary and go away with good oral hygiene habits. However, over time the teeth definitely begin to look dull. Teeth whitening is done with bleaching agents that make the teeth clean, shade lighter, and sparkle shining. All-in-all, a good smile makeover tool. 

Advantages And Disadvantages 

People desirous of having shining white teeth get online to find the best teeth whitening West Hollywood clinics. The process, however, comes with definite advantages and a few downpoints. They are listed below:


  • The teeth will be a few tones lighter. This can be checked and confirmed on a whitening strip. 
  • The results are faster and better than those of over-the-counter products. 
  • Teeth whitening West Hollywood cost is minimal with regards to the final results and benefits. 
  • It is a non-invasive process. There are no risks or side effects.
  • No downtime as it is a single-sitting procedure. 


  • The use of hydrogen peroxide to remove the marks and stains can result in tooth sensitivity. The feeling of sensitivity is the maximum in the initial 48 hours after treatment. 
  • Teeth whitening products are effective only on natural dental enamel. So, composite filling or crowns show no improvement. Instead, they begin to look spotty after a professional procedure. 
  • The results of teeth whitening jobs are different for different people. Some people require more than one sitting to get the desired results. 

Who Benefits Most From Professional Teeth Whitening?

Everyone desires a stunning smile. But plaque accumulation makes the teeth look yellow. Also, stains and marks on the surface of the teeth give an unappealing look. Professional teeth whitening is a go-to service for all those experiencing these problems.  

If the teeth are stained or discolored due to factors like eating and lifestyle habits, teeth whitening service will work wonders. Remember, the results are not very effective on stubborn blotches. So permanent damage to the tooth enamel due to natural aging, medications and trauma may not be rectified. Also, its effect is not visible on artificial teeth like dental implants, dentures and crowns. For more stubborn stains, the cosmetic dentist will recommend veneers to mask up the damage. 

Is Teeth Whitening Procedure Safe For Teeth?

Hydrogen peroxide bleaches. After a chemical reaction it breaks down and penetrates the teeth enamel. Thus, stains on the surface get removed. The process is extremely safe. However, it must be performed by a professional expert as prolonged exposure can weaken the tooth enamel and trigger sensitivity. One can safely switch to a desensitizing toothpaste about two weeks before treatment to reduce sensitivity after treatment. 

How Long Will Results Last?

For mild stains the doctor will use a lighter concentration of hydrogen peroxide. A concentration of 25-40% offers best results in quick time. The over-the-counter products have 3-10% hydrogen peroxide concentration. 

The results of professional teeth whitening are promising but not permanent. However, the improved results can be enjoyed for several months if the post-treatment guidelines are followed. Proper oral care and limiting wrong food choice can maximize the benefits and prolong the results. 

Why Teeth Whitening West Hollywood Clinics?

Teeth whitening treatments are more effective if they are done properly. Incorrect concentration mix and prolonged application are some of the points that lead to poor results and subsequent damage to the tooth enamel. Therefore, the experience of a cosmetic dentist is very important. Unlike the over-the-counter whitening kits that come as a standardized pack, the professional treatment at the best teeth whitening Los Angeles or West Hollywood clinic will customize the treatment for optimum results. The results are instant and effective even on stubborn stains. Take good care of your teeth to enjoy great results for years. 

Final Thoughts

The cost of professional teeth whitening is definitely higher than that of over-the-counter products. However, there is no comparison for the results that one witnesses after undergoing the job at a professional cosmetic dentistry clinic. At the Personal Dental Office, utmost care is taken to offer the best services by highly skilled professionals. This minimizes the disadvantages of the treatment and adds to long-lasting results. It is definitely a great investment for your personality and confidence.  


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