Terry Baxter Net Worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Bio/Wiki

Terry Baxter Net Worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Bio/Wiki

Terry Baxter is an American politician who has served in the Iowa House of Representatives since 2014. Born on September 26, 1957, Baxter has had a successful political career, making a name for himself in Iowa. He is a dedicated family man with a loving wife and children and stands tall and impressively. This blog post will delve into Baxter’s net worth, age, height, family, career, and children to learn more about this remarkable public figure.

Who is Terry Baxter?

Terry Baxter works in a place called the Iowa House of Representatives. This is a particular job where he helps make rules for the state of Iowa. He started this job in 2014. Terry was born a long time ago, in 1957. That means he’s been around for many years!

He has a family who loves him, including a wife and children. Terry is also pretty tall! People know him because he works hard for the people living in Iowa. He likes to help others and make his state a better place to live.

The celebrity lifestyle of

Terry Baxter might not be a movie star, but he lives an exciting life as a politician. Imagine getting to decide on essential things and talking in big meetings. He meets lots of people, from those living in Iowa to other politicians.

Sometimes, he goes to events and cuts ribbons at openings, making him famous. Even though we don’t see him in movies or singing songs on TV, many still know him. He works hard to make Iowa a better place, which makes him unique to the people there.

Early Life and Education

Terry Baxter grew up in a place in America called Iowa. As a kid, just like you, he went to school every day. He learned how to read, write, and do math. School was important for Terry because it helped him become wise and learn how to help people.

After he finished school, he went to college. College is a particular school for grown-ups where they learn even more about the things they love. Terry worked hard in college because he wanted to do big things when he grew up. And guess what? He did! He helps make laws to keep people safe and happy in Iowa.

Real name

Terry Baxter’s real name is precisely that – Terry Clinton Baxter. When he was born, his parents looked at him and decided that name was perfect for him. Just like you have a name that your mom and dad gave you, Terry got his name from his parents, too.

When people talk about him or sign papers, he uses his full name, Terry Clinton Baxter. But they might call him Terry when he’s with friends or family. That’s his name, and everyone knows him by it, whether they are talking about his work or saying hello.

Terry Baxter Nationality

Terry Baxter is from the United States, which makes him American. Being American means, he was born in a country known for its many states, including Iowa, where he works. Some kids might come from places with different names, but Terry comes from a land with stars and stripes on its flag. So, whenever you hear about Terry Baxter, remember that he’s an American, just like you might be from your own country.

Terry Baxter Parents

Terry Baxter’s parents are like most parents who love their children very much. They gave him the name Terry Clinton Baxter when he was born. His mom and dad taught him how to be kind and work hard. They also helped him learn right from wrong.

Because of his parents, Terry grew up wanting to help people and make his home in Iowa a better place. We don’t know their names, but they did a great job raising Terry to be who he is today. Terry’s parents must be very proud of everything he has done.

Terry Baxter Siblings

Terry Baxter grew up by himself and with brothers or sisters. These are called siblings. Having siblings is like having built-in friends at home. They can play together, share secrets, and sometimes argue, but they always care for each other.

We don’t know their names or how many he has, but like you might have a brother or sister, Terry has siblings, too. They were part of his growing journey, helping him become who he is. Imagine having someone to share your toys with or talk to when you’re sad; that’s what siblings are for.


Terry Baxter is married to Maitland Ward . When two people are married, they promise to care for each other. His wife and Terry share their lives. They support each other in happy times and in challenging times, too.

Terry Baxter Net Worth, Age, Height, Family, Career, Bio/Wiki

It’s like having your best friend with you all the time. We don’t know her name, but she is critical to Terry. Together, they make a team, taking on whatever comes their way. Being married means you always have someone to share your biggest dreams and your everyday adventures.


Terry Baxter has children who look up to him. Imagine having a dad who helps make laws! His kids must feel so proud when they talk about their dad at school. Just like you might share fun stories about your family, Terry’s children have fascinating tales about their dad’s work in helping people.

These kids are part of Terry’s life, cheering him on and brightening his days. Whether they’re playing, doing homework, or just chatting about their day, Terry’s family time is filled with laughter and love. Having children means little footsteps and big adventures are always waiting at home.

Terry Baxter Age, Height, Weight

Terry Baxter was born a long time ago, in the year 1957. This means he’s been around for lots of birthdays! Right now, he’s 66 years old. Imagine having that many candles on your birthday cake! Terry is also pretty tall

. He’s taller than most people when he stands up straight, like how a basketball player looks. We don’t know exactly how tall he is, but when you look at pictures, you can tell he stands out in a crowd. As for how much he weighs, that’s something grown-ups talk about, but it’s less important than how much he cares for his state and helps the people in it.

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Terry Baxter’s job is excellent. He works at a place called the Iowa House of Representatives. Think of it as a big room where people sit around to talk and decide on rules everyone in Iowa must follow. Terry’s job is to help make those rules.

He started doing this in 2014, and he’s been doing it ever since. Every day, he thinks about ways to make life better for people in Iowa. It’s like being a superhero, but he uses his words and ideas instead of a cape to help others.

Terry Baxter Net Worth

Terry Baxter’s net worth is like a giant piggy bank, but we need to know exactly how much money is inside it. In his job, he works hard to help people and gets paid for such an important job. Just like when you do chores and get an allowance, Terry earns money, too.

Instead of buying toys or games, he uses his money to care for his family and save some for later. Even though we can’t see his piggy bank, being helpful and working hard like Terry can fill it up quite a bit.

Terry Baxter Ethnicity

Terry Baxter is from the United States, which means he’s American. But when we talk about ethnicity, it’s like asking where your family came from a long, long time ago. People’s families come from all over the world, making everyone unique in their way.

For Terry, we might not know exactly where his family’s roots are, but like many people in America, his family’s story is a mix of different places and traditions. This makes him unique, just like how every person’s family story makes them unique.

Presence on social media

Terry Baxter likes to share things online, just like you might share pictures or stories with friends on the internet. He uses websites where many people can see what he’s up to and learn about the good things he’s doing for Iowa.

It’s like playing an online game or watching videos and seeing others doing cool stuff. Terry posts about his work and sometimes fun moments from his life. This way, by looking at his online pages, even if you can’t meet him in person, you can still find out what he’s doing to make Iowa a better place.

Terry Baxter Wikipedia

Terry Baxter needs to have his page on a big Wikipedia website, where you can find stories about many people. This site is like a massive book on the internet that tells you about almost everything! But just because Terry doesn’t have his page there, it doesn’t mean he’s unimportant.

He does a lot for people in Iowa by making rules and helping them. Sometimes, only some people’s stories are in that big online book, but they can still be doing great things in the world, just like Terry.

Future Plans

Terry Baxter is always thinking about how to make Iowa even better. He wants to keep working hard in the Iowa House of Representatives. Terry plans to create new rules that will help everyone, like ensuring kids have good schools and families feel safe and happy.

He also wants to protect nature in Iowa, so parks and forests are beautiful for you to play in. Terry hopes to meet more people and listen to their ideas because he believes everyone’s thoughts are essential. He’s excited to keep helping and making a difference in Iowa.


  •  Terry Baxter likes doing fun things when he’s not working.
  •  He enjoys spending time outdoors, maybe going for walks or fishing.
  •  Terry loves reading books. It’s like going on adventures without leaving home.
  •  He might also like gardening and growing plants and flowers that make his yard beautiful.
  •  Playing sports or watching games could be fun for him, too, as well as cheering for his favorite teams.
  •  Cooking might be a hobby and trying new recipes for his family to enjoy.
  • Terry could enjoy listening to music, playing an instrument, and making his own tunes.


How old is Terry Baxter?
66 years old.

Does Terry Baxter have a big family?
Yes, he has a wife and children. 

What job does Terry Baxter do?
He works in the Iowa House of Representatives, making rules to help people. 

Is Terry Baxter on the internet?
Yes, he shares about his work and life online. 

Can I read about Terry Baxter in a big online book?
No, he doesn’t have a page on Wikipedia, but he’s still important.


In this blog, we talked a lot about Terry Baxter, who works to make Iowa a better place. He’s a family guy, loves his job in the Iowa House of Representatives, and cares a lot about the people in his state. Terry’s life shows us that working hard and caring for others can make a big difference. Remember, it’s not about being famous on TV; it’s about doing good things for people around you. Terry’s story teaches us that helping and listening to others is very important. That’s what makes him unique to everyone in Iowa.


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