Why It is Necessary to Love Ourselves Before Loving Someone Else

Why It is Necessary to Love Ourselves Before Loving Someone Else

 Today’s society has become rather busy and people often enter into relationships without taking enough time to build up healthy self-esteem. However, love can be one of the most fulfilling and amazing things in life, it can also be a process which can be very difficult especially when it is taken without first taking care of ones emotional needs and self-esteem. This is because when you love yourself first you will be in a better position to seek love from someone else because self-love forms the foundation of any good and happy relationship. This piece will first explain why it is necessary to love oneself before getting into a relationship and how the same can influence your love life and health.

 What Is Self-Love?

 Self love goes beyond the bubble bath, a late night snack or that new pair of shoes. Self-acceptance is a concept of embracing oneself embracing one’s worth, and being compassionate to ourselves. It means appreciating yourself, and accepting your imperfections and knowing that one is capable of love and joy on their own and not be reliant on another person for it. This foundation is very important when it comes to your emotional, mental and even your physical health because it affects the manner in which you engage with other people.

 Self- Love in a Relationship.

 When discussing self-love in this context, we mean how one’s relationship with himself or herself influences the relationship between two people. Lacking self love, a lot of people depend on their partners and try to find purpose in them or approval from them. This can put a lot of stress on the relationship and results in a cycle of disapproval, self-doubt and even anger. But when you have self-love, you go into a relationship with a positive mindset, good emotional health and with the feeling that one is whole and does not need anyone to complete them.

 Here’s why self-love plays such an important role in relationships:Here’s why self-love plays such an important role in relationships:

 1. It Assists You in Creating Good Rules for Your Self

 Another important benefit of self-love is the fact that one is able to draw lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Self-love is, therefore, important as lack of it may lead to difficulty in setting boundaries in relationships due to fear of rejection or let down. Therefore, they may put up with behaviours that are not really enjoyable for them or they could overdo themselves and give too much in a relationship without getting as much in return.

 Self-love lets you assert yourself to express what you want, require, and what you cannot accept in a relationship. You know that it’s alright to say no and you know that saying no is not synonymous to saying no to people but to saying yes to yourself and your feelings. It is also important to set and maintain limits in any relationship and not let it lead to the so called burnout.

 2. It Encourages Emotional Independence

 Emotional self- sufficiency is the ability to feel and handle ones feelings without having to depend on the other person to control ones feelings or to make one feel important. Self-love makes you emotionally independent and this simply means that you don’t require a partner to complete you. This doesn’t mean you don’t care about or want people in your life, but that you do not require a partner to be happy either.

 On the other hand, if you do not have self-love, you might find yourself seeking your partner’s affirmation and support all the time and hence become emotionally dependent. It means that when your partner cannot satisfy your emotional needs this can create tension in the relationship and can cause quarrels. Love for oneself leads to the respect of one another and opens up opportunities for both people to grow as well as together.

 3. It Increases Confidence and Self Esteem

 Confidence and self esteem are very important in any relationship that one may have. Those who lack self-love may develop unhealthy behaviors in relationships including; they always want their partner to reassure them, which makes them insecure, jealous and have anxiety of being left alone. This insecurity can break down the confidence and the closeness that is there within the two people in the relationship.

 However self-love is the opposite of self-fulfilment, it enhance confidence. Knowing your value makes you not to be influenced easily by other people or to doubt your partners’ love for you. Self- confidence also does the trick as people with confidence are more likely to be approached by potential partners as they portray strength and confidence. If a partner feels appreciated, he or she will also feel loved in return since love is mutual.

 4. It Improves the Physical and Emotional Relationship between Individuals.

 This is something that is dear to everyone’s heart especially in a relationship where both parties are physically and emotionally close. When you are more accepting of who you are and you feel loved, you can only be healthy in your intimate relationship with your partner. You can easily convey your wants, needs and concerns without fear of being regarded as shameful or being made to feel guilty.

 This is especially because self-love also fosters emotional closeness. When you are sure of yourself you can let your partner in without the fear of ridicule or being turned away. You are ready to let your guard down hence making the two of you to be emotionally close. Self love is very important because many people find it hard to be vulnerable in a relationship and this is because they don’t love themselves.

 Media’s Effect on Self Love

 It is crucial to recognize the part that media takes in designing the image of the worth of an individual. From Facebook and Twitter to xxx adult content like sex videos, real sex scenes, beauty and body images can affect self-esteem. This makes people feel that they are able to be loved by others as well as be loved.

 With the act of loving oneself, one can learn how to appreciate one’s own body and mind and move beyond the definitions of intimacy shown in the media or in society. This shift in thinking helps one to relate to people without the need to force their acceptance and acceptance of one’s self.

 How to Cultivate Self-Love

 It is a process that remains a lifelong task although it is something that one should go through before getting into a relationship. Here are some strategies to help you foster self-love:Here are some strategies to help you foster self-love:

 • Practice Positive Affirmations: Each day, take time and assure yourself that you need love and respect.

 • Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health: Some of the things that are beneficial to your physical and mental health include exercise, a balanced diet and other activities that promote mental health like meditation or counseling.

 • Set Boundaries: Always know when to say no and don’t forget to take care of yourself and set your boundaries.

 • Pursue Your Passions: Engage in activities that are fun and that provide security such as hobbies.

 • Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: However, the following are the tips that can help to build healthy and strong relationships with friends and family member who encourage one:

 • Forgive Yourself: Accept yourself and know that everyone has flaws and it is normal to make mistakes in the process of self-Improvement.


 It is not a new concept that people refer to in their day-to-day life but it is the key to every healthy and happy relationship. Without that, we are in danger of becoming what we are to others, seeking our fulfillment and acceptance in the relations with other people. Thus, self-love, confidence, emotional freedom and value are added to the relationships which we engage in, and it is a powerful addition. This way, you will be able to learn how to love yourself first and the future relationships will be much better.


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